Data structures in Python, Series 1.3: Linked Lists
Swap nodes in a linked list without swapping data
Given a linked list and two keys in it, swap nodes for two given keys. Nodes should be swapped by changing links.
Swapping data of nodes may be expensive in many situations when data contains many fields.
It may be assumed that all keys in linked list are distinct.
Input: 10->15->12->13->20->14, x = 12, y = 20
Output: 10->15->20->13->12->14
Input: 10->15->12->13->20->14, x = 10, y = 20
Output: 20->15->12->13->10->14
Input: 10->15->12->13->20->14, x = 12, y = 13
Output: 10->15->13->12->20->14
This may look a simple problem, but is interesting question as it has following cases to be handled.
1) x and y may or may not be adjacent.
2) Either x or y may be a head node.
3) Either x or y may be last node.
4) x and/or y may not be present in linked list.
check out the swap_given_nodes which solves the above problem.
#____________ Firt of all make a node class for every future node to be shaped like ______________
class node():
def __init__(self,data,nextnode = None): = data
self.nextnode = nextnode
#now make a class with the all the operations that can be operated in a list
#remember do get a __init__ as this will be used to initiate the default values for the instance in main
class linkedlist():
def __init__(self):
self.head = None = 0
self.size = 0
def addnode(self,data): = data
new = node(data,self.head)
self.head = new
self.size +=1
def __print__(self):
cur = self.head
while cur:
print(str(,end = '>>')
cur = cur.nextnode
def swap_given_nodes(self,data1,data2):
if data1 == data2:
return True
curx = self.head
head = self.head
cury = self.head
prevx = None
prevy = None
while curx:
if == data1:
prevx = curx
curx = curx.nextnode
print('para 1')
while cury:
if == data2:
prevy = cury
cury = cury.nextnode
if curx == None or cury == None:
return False
print('para 2')
if prevx != None:
prevx.nextnode = cury
if prevy != None:
prevy.nextnode = curx
temp = curx.nextnode
if curx == head:
self.head = cury
elif cury == head:
self.head = curx
curx.nextnode = cury.nextnode
cury.nextnode = temp
if __name__ == '__main__':
lis = linkedlist()
for i in range(int(input('enter the number of elements to be inserted'))):
lis.addnode(int(input('enter the value')))
#use the below line to use swap
lis.swap_given_nodes(int(input('enter the second val')),int(input('enter the second val')))
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