Atmega16 C program to send hex values for ASCII characters 0,1,2,3,4,5,A,B,C and D to port PB.
A program to send hex values for ASCII characters.
int main(void)
unsigned char num[] = '012345ABCD';
//save the data in a char
unsigned char x;
//here we are using unsigned char so that out hex file dosent get big .
//i.e. unsigned char ranges only from 0 to 255 .
DDRB = 0*FF; // this will set Reg B as total output i.e set every bit to 1
PORTB = num[x];
//this will select one item from num one at a time.
//the code will stay here forever
return 0;
int main(void)
unsigned char num[] = '012345ABCD';
//save the data in a char
unsigned char x;
//here we are using unsigned char so that out hex file dosent get big .
//i.e. unsigned char ranges only from 0 to 255 .
DDRB = 0*FF; // this will set Reg B as total output i.e set every bit to 1
PORTB = num[x];
//this will select one item from num one at a time.
//the code will stay here forever
return 0;
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