Cartesian(Cross) Joins , Inner Joins and Self Joins
Cartesian(Cross) Joins :
if the first table contains x rows and second table contains y rows then the end result will be of x*y,
it dont match on anything hence the end result may be incorrect and meaningless , also the output is too heavy.
example :
if the first table contains x rows and second table contains y rows then the end result will be of x*y,
it dont match on anything hence the end result may be incorrect and meaningless , also the output is too heavy.
example :
SELECT product_name ,unit_price ,company_name FROM suppliers CROSS JOIN products;
Inner Joins :
Inner join keyword selects records that have matching values in both tables.
SELECT suppliers.companyName ,ProductName ,UnitPrice FROM suppliers INNER JOIN products ON
suppliers.supplierid = products.supplierid;
--a thing to notice is that i used a prequalifier suppliers.companyName as both tables had a column names companyName.
Inner Join with multiple table :
>>SELECT o.Orderid
,c.companyname ,e.lastname FROM ( ( orders o INNER JOIN customers c ON o.customerid = c.customerid ) INNER JOIN employees e ON o.employeeid = e.employeeid );
Self Join:
We can actually join a table to itself.
>>SELECT a.customer_name AS customer1 ,b.customer_name AS customer2 , FROM customer a ,customer b WHERE a.customerid = b.customerid AND = ORDER BY;
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